Next - Podcasting for Dogs!

But - dog-gone it! - will they broadcast live?...

AUSTIN, Texas, April 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Munrab Entertainment plans to hold the world's first "Canine Concert" on May 9th, from noon to 1 pm, at Wooldridge Square (900 Guadalupe) in Austin, Texas, an event where live music is played at a sound level only dogs can hear.

In order to find the right band for the dogs, Munrab is asking people to vote at on what type of music they think their dogs want to hear.

"Dogs are forced to listen to whatever music is blaring in their ears but no one ever considers their feelings," says Suzanne Burns, a dog-loving spokesperson for Munrab. "They might prefer jazz over rock, or punk over folk. Who knows?"

Munrab plans to have special audio equipment on hand to adjust the live music the dogs will hear. Just as a dog whistle sounds at a level canines can hear but people can't, the Canine Concert will have a band playing their music aimed at the pitch dogs will enjoy.

The loudness of a sound is measured in 'phons,' which is defined as numerically equal to the sound intensity in 'db' relative to a sound pressure 0.0002 dynes/cm^2 of a single frequency of 1000 cycles/sec.

Typically, a dog whistle is within the range of 16000 Hz to 22000 Hz with only the frequencies below 20000 Hz audible to the human ear. The Canine Concert will use special equipment to adjust the live music so only dogs can hear it.

Anyone can bring their dogs, as long as they are on leashes. Canines may bring musical instruments, as well.

"It's all a grand experiment to make dogs happy," says Burns. "We like people but dogs are our best friends."

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