This bowler-hatted gent and 24,000 others like him from 32 countries are flocking to compete in the 2006 Crufts Dog Show, held in Birmingham, England. The cream of almost 200 breeds will be competing to succeed Coco, a Norfolk Terrier who was last year's winner of Best in Show.
Cruft's is sponsored and run by The UK Kennel Club, and they hold competitions for the both the purebred and the pooch. Like the Scruffts Competition specifically for the...crossbred companion.
And this year's competition features a Lady and the Tramp Look-a-like Competition, with a short list of 10 finalists. The dogs the will be judged on how closely they look and act like Tramp, Lady, Trusty or Jock, and will be asked to perform one of the following tasks:
Lady will be asked to fetch a newspaper for her owner.
Tramp will be asked to catch a toy that is thrown.
Jock will charm the judges by looking like a bonny wee lad in his tartan coat.
Trusty will prove he hasn’t lost his sense of smell by sniffing out a hidden treat.
The winner receives a year’s supply of Iams dog food. No word on whether the audience gets to vote, "American-Idol" style, for the winner.
The show is now in its 115th year, and attracts tens of thousands of visitors for its four days of competition. It is officially recognised as the world's largest dog show by the Guinness Book of Records, and has almost 400 trade stands offering visitors the latest dog-related products.
[dog news]
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