Pepito Mio, otherwise known as "Poodle-Thing" or "Little Dude". Was found in a yard with fighting pits, and was presumably scheduled to be used as a bait dog until Katrina intervened.
He was wearing a collar with tags, but when the shelter tracked down the owners, the owners said they didn't want him back. How anyone could not want this sweet Southern charmer is beyond me, because....Pepito is utterly adorable.
He loves to cuddle, and likes to sleep with some part of him touching some part of me. When he first arrived, I would wake in the morning to find him curled up around my head like a hat! He has since migrated further south, but still like to go to sleep snuggled in.
He adores Miss Peaches, and will curl up with her on one of the dog beds, preferably in the morning sun. He's something of a dreamy type, and when we're on walks he is easily distracted, and often finds himself left far behind the group. Poodle-Thing is no wuss, tho. He trucks along just fine on our long hill hikes, albeit at his own pace.
He has a healthy respect for the cats, and readily gives way to Angus or Clyde when he sees them coming. Probably because they both outweigh him.
Pepito was diagnosed as heartworm positive, and although we already went through one round of treatments, his most recent blood test showed positive again. This really sucks, because not only is the treatment very expensive where I live (it's rare, and the medication has to be special ordered, etc), he will have to be kept on extremely limited exercise for eight to ten weeks during the procedures. And he loves his walks!
My vet is looking into alternate protocols, since he's already been through the Immeticide treatments. The irony is that Pepito is completely asymptomatic - he shows no symptoms of the infection at all - and he's in great shape.
I guess we'll just handle this the same way we've handled everything else. We'll take it as it comes. However, if you want to send some luck, good wishes, and/or prayers our way, they sure would be greatly appreciated.
[dog health]
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